

The Antarctic, land of extremes, is a destination that enthralls all who participate in the exciting voyage to one of the most remote and fascinating natural reserves of the world. The Antarctic, with its spectacular beauty, amazing colors reflected on the ice, wildlife in full splendor and magnificent sites for visiting, promises to be unforgettable for travelers in search of unique experiences.


The continent is almost completely covered by an icecap formed by the constant accumulation of snow over the course of hundreds of thousands of years. At its deepest, the covering is approximately 4 kilometers, hiding beneath it mountains, valleys and prairies. Huge ice masses break off daily, turning into icebergs that can measure up to several kilometers. Wildlife in the Antarctic is unique. The “White Continent” has no history of man hunting animals, hence animals are usually unafraid of human beings and may actually be “intrigued” by our presence. The opportunity to be able to wander amidst thousands of penguins and sea lions makes this place a paradise for photographers, as well as enabling one to view first hand, the flight of large southern birds such as Cape petrels and many others.


You will be part of an unforgettable experience that will take you to one of the farthest points on earth. The coldest, highest, windiest, driest and less populated continent. A continent that has been completely sunk by ice, which has not only shaped its topography, but has also influenced its evolution. This place is one of the only places on earth that is still pristine. It is therefore, why, it has become an important reserve for the biosphere. Its unique beauty contrasted with its extreme weather conditions, make it an exotic and enchanting destination for all those privileged travelers who are planning a visit to the end of the world. Antarctica is an ecological wonder that mesmerizes explorers, scientists and travelers.

Wildlife here is unique. The “White Continent” with its spectacular beauty, amazing colors reflected on the ice.