Easter Island


Rapa Nui is known throughout the world for its moai, but its rich culture, tradition and local people make Easter Island a must-see destination. Discover the past and present of an extraordinary culture, developed in a remote territory now recognized as the world’s largest “open-air museum”. The value of these archaeological treasures was recognized by the world when Easter Island was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1995. In addition to the cultural and archaeological interest, there are the beautiful beaches, transparent waters and coral reefs that might be expected of a Pacific island. Jacques Cousteau himself agreed that it is one of the most perfect places for underwater marine studies.

Weather: Subtropical 18°C (64°F)

Max: 28°C (82°F)

Best Time to Visit: All year round

Getting there...

Mataveri airport receives flights from Santiago and Tahiti.

For guests interested in...

• Archeology
• Culture
• Scuba Diving
• Outdoors
• Relaxation

Where else can you travel?

• Santiago: 5h30m flight from Easter Island.
• Tahiti: 5h50m flight from Easter Island.


Recommended Stay

3 nights


Scuba Dive

Easter Island has some of earth’s clearest waters, making it paradise for scuba diving.


Tapati Festival

The Tapati festival is a traditional celebration that takes place each year during the first two weeks of February and is celebrated with several exotic competitions and a colorful parade.


Did you know that…

* The Moai were built to honor worshipped ancestors, who are supposedly buried underneath the Ahu (platform). Remarkably, despite their seaside location, every single one of the Moai is facing inland and not out to sea, suggesting that they were meant to watch over the people. *

Wildlife here is unique. The “White Continent” with its spectacular beauty, amazing colors reflected on the ice.