Wine Valleys


Chile retains an air of uniqueness as it is the most southerly nation in the world, separated from its neighbors by natural barriers. It has a wine-making tradition that gives Chilean wines exportation quality, this shows the noble superiority of wines and the permanent wealth of Chile Patrimony. The valleys speak of traditions, fertile lands, customs and of course wine. The total area of vineyards for winemaking currently occupies more than 141 thousand hectares, which have a wine production potential of close to 1,200 million liters. Chile is currently the leading wine exporter in the new world and the world’s fourth, being surpassed only by European countries with vast experience in winemaking including France, Spain and Italy.

Weather: Mediterranean -rainy winters, and dry summers. Min: 10°C (50°F) Max: 25°C (77°F)

Best Time to Visit: All year round.

Spring/Summer: From September to March.

Fall/Winter: From March to September.

Getting there...

By Land from Santiago:
• 1 hour away: Casablanca Valley, Aconcagua Valley and Maipo Valley.
• 1.5 hours away: Cachapoal Valley.
• 2.5 hours away: Colchagua Valley.
• 3 hours away: Curico Valley.
• 4 hours away: Maule Valley.

For guests interested in...

• Wine (experts and amateurs).
• Architecture.
• Nature.
• Chilean traditions.

Where else can you travel?

• Valparaiso: 3 hours land transfer from Colchagua.
• Elqui Valley: 6 hours land transfer from Casablanca.
• Lake District: 8 hours land transfer from Maule.


Recommended Stay in the Wine Country

2 - 3 nights



If you happen to visit us between late February and early May, make sure you include a fun, colorful and wine-flavored vendimia celebration in your itinerary.


More Wine Regions

New wine producing areas are the Elqui (in the north), and the Araucania Region (in the south), more excuses to add more days to a wine discovery itinerary in Chile.


Did you know that…

* In 1993 and after 2 years of research, expert ampelographers concluded that the Carménère that is produced in Chile, turned out to be a wine variety thought to be extinct for a century! *

Wildlife here is unique. The “White Continent” with its spectacular beauty, amazing colors reflected on the ice.